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TrainACE - IT and Cybersecurity Training Blog

Visual Guide to Getting Started in Information Technology

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 18, 2017 11:54:39 AM / by Madeline Sita posted in Cybersecurity, Jobs

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Career paths are not always as straightforward as they seem. There are going to be those people fortunate enough to find what they're looking for in their first job and build a career from that point. For many though, the process of learning and self-discovery takes much longer and sends them down paths they never anticipated or allows them to find passion through different means than they had pictured. This is very accurate in the mysterious world of information technology (IT).

Just because you graduated college as a history major doesn't mean you can't pursue a career in IT, right?  If you want career change, and IT looks attractive to you, follow this infographic for some direction! Then for more helpful tips on breaking into IT check out our Getting Started in IT guide

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A Job in Security Leads to Job Security

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 5, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by The TrainACE Team posted in CompTIA, Cybersecurity, A+

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In the fairly recent past, the places that information technology (IT) professionals could find careers were limited to security firms, government agencies, and the occasional jobs in mainstream organizations. Today though, as technology continues to advance, the need for cybersecurity professionals keeps growing to keep up. However, there is a huge shortage of security professionals to fulfill the need.

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CompTIA CySA+ : What it means to the Cybersecurity field

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 10, 2017 10:42:49 AM / by Jeff Rinehard posted in CompTIA, Cybersecurity, CySA+

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Nowadays organizations experience malware attacks, system intrusions, DDOS attacks and countless other threats coming at them from every corner of the web. This is an ongoing assault that has profoundly transformed how organizations need to approach cybersecurity.

The rapid increase in volume and the growing intricacy of threats means that if organizations want to stay secure they need look at the responsibility in a different way. The way to do this is with understanding the data and well-trained and perceptive employees who know what they’re looking at, interpret it correctly and apply it properly.

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Top 5 Highest Paying Cybersecurity Certifications

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 6, 2017 9:49:21 AM / by The TrainACE Team posted in CEH, CISM, CISSP, Cybersecurity, CISA

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As you advance your IT career, there are certain certifications that will give you higher earning potential. The cybersecurity field is in need of qualified IT security professionals – there are more jobs than candidates for them right now. And the demand continues to grow as cyber criminals get smarter and bolder. With so many IT cybersecurity certifications available, it’s hard to know which ones are going to help you earn a better living than others. Help combat cyber criminals and earn a healthy salary at the same time with the certifications that top our list.

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IT Training and Cyber Security Training in Northern Virginia

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 2, 2016 10:06:24 AM / by Ariana Ciancio posted in Cisco, CompTIA, Cybersecurity, Microsoft, Networking, Project Management

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Did you know that TrainACE and our Advanced Security branch offers IT training and Cyber Security training in Northern Virginia? TrainACE has a computer training facility located out of Loudoun County in Ashburn, Virginia. The Ashburn location offers our full catalog of courses and delivers the same high-quality training with unbeatable prices that we have been providing to our students at the Greenbelt, Maryland location since 2001.

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Help Desk Jobs with Security+ Certification in the D.C. Metro Area!

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 3, 2015 3:57:14 PM / by Ariana Ciancio posted in CompTIA, Cybersecurity, Security+

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Are you a DC, Maryland or Virginia resident looking for an IT job in your area? You've come to the right place! Take a look at these recent job openings. Make sure to check TrainACE's Blog periodically for updates!


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Information Security Certification Path After Security+

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 29, 2015 11:41:39 AM / by Ariana Ciancio posted in CASP+, CEH, Cisco, CISSP, CompTIA, Cybersecurity, EC-Council, Security+

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As an entry-level certification for information security jobs, Security+ will get your foot in the door for a promising career. But why stop there? If you are looking to advance your information security career, you should treat the Security+ certification as just a first step on the job path. In order to be more marketable as an experienced security professional as well as more valuable to current employers, consider advancing your proficiency in information security with additional training and certifications! The following options will validate your further expertise of information security and can increase the chances of promotion opportunities and salary increases! If information security is an industry worth pursuing to you, then keep reading to learn how to make the most out of your career!

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Job Salaries with a CompTIA Security+ Certification in the D.C. Area

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 14, 2015 10:32:39 AM / by Ariana Ciancio posted in CompTIA, Cybersecurity, Security+

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What's up with Security+?

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 2, 2014 9:00:28 AM / by The TrainACE Team posted in CompTIA, Cybersecurity, Security+

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If you've started thinking about getting in the IT industry, chances are you've probably heard about the Security+ certification. Consequently, you've probably also asked yourself a few questions as well. What is the Security+ certification? Who is CompTIA? And why would a certification be the swaying factor for a job hopeful?

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Open SSL, Being Patched Again?!

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 9, 2014 9:15:50 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cisco, Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking

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TrainACE Blog - Open SSL Patched


So OpenSSL is being patched again, very shortly after the Heartbleed Bug was fixed. According to the OpenSSL Security Advisory, multiple security vulnerabilities affecting the security layer have been recently discovered. One of the security threats actually allowed an attacker to see and modify traffic between an OpenSSL server and the client. While this news might seem bad, finding these vulnerabilities indicate that OpenSSL is frequently monitored by security professionals, and the appropriate steps are being followed to patch these vulnerabilities. This in turn makes OpenSSL a more secure implementation of the protocols SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security).

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Using OpenSSL? Heartbleed Bug may be affecting you now.

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 9, 2014 10:45:08 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cybersecurity, encryption, Uncategorized

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Security researchers have recently discovered a major vulnerability in widely used encryption software that could potentially cause widespread, severe damage to the private data of millions of people around the globe. OpenSSL is a cryptologic software that used by millions of websites throughout the internet to encrypt communications between users and webpages. That data now stands at risk due to the vulnerability, which obviously is causing major concern for end-users and website owners alike. More than a half a million websites are already currently at risk.

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Microsoft Windows Security Essentials

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 27, 2014 6:15:24 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cisco, Cybersecurity, Microsoft, Uncategorized

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As the OS of choice for many businesses, Microsoft Windows houses the sensitive data of banks, hospitals and corporations. In fact, as one of the most prevalently used operating systems out there, malware authors have an affinity for attacking anything Windows—it’s their go-to playground.  In order to properly defend Windows security, you’ll need to configure a lot more than just a firewall. You’ll need a myriad of tools, techniques and tricks to outsmart the bad guys and protect your Windows system. But no worries: our Microsoft Windows Security Essentials course will teach you just that.

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