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Christian Crank

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Open SSL, Being Patched Again?!

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 9, 2014 9:15:50 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cisco, Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking

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TrainACE Blog - Open SSL Patched


So OpenSSL is being patched again, very shortly after the Heartbleed Bug was fixed. According to the OpenSSL Security Advisory, multiple security vulnerabilities affecting the security layer have been recently discovered. One of the security threats actually allowed an attacker to see and modify traffic between an OpenSSL server and the client. While this news might seem bad, finding these vulnerabilities indicate that OpenSSL is frequently monitored by security professionals, and the appropriate steps are being followed to patch these vulnerabilities. This in turn makes OpenSSL a more secure implementation of the protocols SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security).

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Using OpenSSL? Heartbleed Bug may be affecting you now.

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 9, 2014 10:45:08 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cybersecurity, encryption, Uncategorized

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Security researchers have recently discovered a major vulnerability in widely used encryption software that could potentially cause widespread, severe damage to the private data of millions of people around the globe. OpenSSL is a cryptologic software that used by millions of websites throughout the internet to encrypt communications between users and webpages. That data now stands at risk due to the vulnerability, which obviously is causing major concern for end-users and website owners alike. More than a half a million websites are already currently at risk.

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Microsoft Windows Security Essentials

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 27, 2014 6:15:24 AM / by Christian Crank posted in Cisco, Cybersecurity, Microsoft, Uncategorized

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As the OS of choice for many businesses, Microsoft Windows houses the sensitive data of banks, hospitals and corporations. In fact, as one of the most prevalently used operating systems out there, malware authors have an affinity for attacking anything Windows—it’s their go-to playground.  In order to properly defend Windows security, you’ll need to configure a lot more than just a firewall. You’ll need a myriad of tools, techniques and tricks to outsmart the bad guys and protect your Windows system. But no worries: our Microsoft Windows Security Essentials course will teach you just that.

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Protecting Mobile Devices

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 26, 2014 1:21:56 PM / by Christian Crank posted in Cybersecurity

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Name something that people carry everywhere, drop continuously and rely on to maintain relationships with others. Stumped? If you guessed mobile phones, you’re correct—they’re our most abused, loved and treasured devices—and with technology on the rise, more and more new high tech smartphones and tablets are being pushed onto the market faster than people can keep up with.

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