In order to be prepared for Certified Ethical Hacking exams, you should invest in quality reading material. Training books on the market can provide you with everything you need to know in order to prepare for a career in CEH. After you have completed your exams, keeping your CEH books on hand for future reference is recommended. However, you'll need to keep up to date with current editions for well used books, as information in the CEH industry changes regularly. Here are some of the top texts you can use for CEH training and exam preparation.
TrainACE - IT and Cybersecurity Training Blog
CEH Training Books
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 23, 2013 11:30:19 AM / by alan posted in CEH, EC-Council, Ethical Hacking
Spammed and Hacked: How Social Media Can Pose a Security Risk
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 26, 2013 5:12:40 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in advanced persistent threat, CEH, Cisco, cyber war, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
Social networks are social by design. They mean to foster interaction, to put you in touch in one way or another. Some put you in touch with friends and family. Others put you out there for the whole wide world to see. Some uses are personal. Others are all business. In the end, though, social media platforms are all designed to be easy to access and easy to use. They’re intentionally informal. They’re the last place you’d expect to find classified intelligence or the kind of business secrets that companies diligently guard.
Look Out IT Job Seekers! Cyber Security is the Field to Join
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 19, 2013 3:45:24 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in advanced persistent threat, Salary, CEH, Cisco, cyber war, Cybersecurity, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
As cyber attacks increase in frequency and scandals involving governments hacking into private computers become more commonplace, it's no wonder that one of the most promising fields in the current IT sector would be cyber security. In fact, recent research has indicated that cyber security has grown by more than one hundred percent in the last year. Clearly, anyone seeking a job in the information technology area would do well to start at the first line of defense against hackers.
Hacked Cars and Hotel Rooms: Time to Rethink Security for a Technological Age
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 6, 2013 4:02:44 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in advanced persistent threat, CEH, Cisco, cyber war, Cybersecurity, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
Criminals have been breaking into websites and electronic databases for many years. Although this can result in huge monetary losses, it rarely injures anyone or causes physical damage. However, hackers are gaining more destructive power as manufacturers add network interfaces and microprocessors to mechanical devices. This is a security threat that we cannot afford to ignore.
A Video on What the CEH Certification Training with TrainACE will do for Your Career – Jobs, Salary, Facts and Figures
[fa icon="calendar'] May 30, 2013 9:43:12 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in CEH, Cybersecurity, EC-Council, Information Assurance, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
Most people who are looking in to taking the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification training with us want to know a few key points. The CEH certification is arguably the leading baseline penetration testing certification on the market. Our CEH training class prepares people for a career in the field by offering more hands-on training than any other competitor’s class out there. The class also has a pass rate on the certification exam OVER 99% (yes that’s correct, in the last year, about 550 people took the CEH with us and only 5 failed the exam). As you probably know, we offer classroom based training as well as online options, both are extremely effective.
The Most Common Jobs for People Who Hold the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification
[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2013 3:45:05 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in CEH, Cisco, Cybersecurity, EC-Council, Information Assurance, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
The term "hacker" is often associated with illegal online activity. However, there are hackers who perform 100 percent legal services, which are based on evaluating the information infrastructures of companies. For those who hold the Certified Ethical Hacker certification from the EC-Council, there are several jobs to consider that come with attractive compensation. Some of the most common jobs for hackers holding the CEH certification include computer forensics, incidence response, penetration testing and security analysis. Penetration testing is the most common job for new hackers, but some later advance to become engineers or take on a wider variety of tasks.
What is Advanced Persistent Threat
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 11, 2012 11:25:45 AM / by Ryan Corey posted in advanced persistent threat, CEH, Cisco, cyber war, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, Pentesting, Ethical Hacking
The term advanced persistent threat (APT) was originally used to describe complex, ongoing espionage perpetrated by foreign governments. However, today, APT typically refers to a category of cybercrime directed toward businesses or government entities. APTs are usually online attacks used to achieve goals beyond those that can be met by a single security breach, but some may involve malicious activity conducted onsite. Compromised computer systems are continuously monitored by the attackers or added to a stable of slave computers to be used to achieve some future goal. APTs are most often perpetrated by employing some form of malware, and IT technicians defend against APTs by installing antimalware software and hardware firewalls.