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Security+ or CISSP: Which Certification?

Security+ or CISSP: Which Certification Is Right for IT Professionals?

  • October 9 2024
  • Paul Ricketts

Here at TrainACE, we meet many IT professionals who have their fundamental skills down and are looking to boost their careers. If you're in the same position, you're not alone. Many tech experts are wondering which certification will give them the edge they need. Let's look at two popular options: Security+ and CISSP. These certifications can open doors to better jobs and higher pay. But which one is right for you? We'll break it down so you can make the best choice for your future.

Understanding Security+ and CISSP

Security+ and CISSP are both well-known certifications in the IT world, but they're quite different. Security+ is often seen as a starting point for many IT pros. We often recommend it as a follow-on from CompTIA A+ and Network+. It covers the basics of cybersecurity and is great for those new to the field. CISSP, on the other hand, is for those with more experience. It's a high-level certification that shows you really know your stuff.

Security+: A Solid Foundation

Security+ is a good choice if you're just starting out in cybersecurity. It covers topics like network security, risk management, and cryptography. Many employers look for this certification when hiring for entry-level security jobs. The exam is not too long, usually about 90 minutes, and costs less than more advanced certifications.

One of the best things about Security+ is that you don't need years of experience to take it. You can start studying for it soon after finishing your basic IT training and as you start to gain real-world experience. This makes it a great first step in building your career.

CISSP: For the Experienced Pro

CISSP is different. It's for IT pros who've been in the field for a while. You need at least five years of work experience to even take the exam. The test is much longer than Security+, often taking up to six hours to complete.

CISSP covers more advanced topics. It dives deep into things like security architecture, asset security, and security operations. This certification shows that you can handle complex security issues and lead teams.

Choosing the Right Path

So, how do you decide which certification to go for? Here are some things to think about:

  1. Your experience level
  2. Your career goals
  3. The cost and time you can invest
  4. What employers in your area are looking for

If you're new to IT security, Security+ is probably your best bet. It's a great way to learn the basics and start building your career. But if you've been working in IT for years and want to move into a leadership role, CISSP might be the better choice.

The Cost Factor

Money is always important to consider. Here's a quick comparison:


Exam Cost

Study Time



1-2 months



3-6 months

Remember, these are just the exam costs. You might also need to pay for study materials or courses. CISSP usually requires more time and money to prepare for.

Career Impact

Both certifications can help your career, but in different ways. Security+ can help you land your first security job or move up from a general IT role. CISSP can lead to senior positions and even C-level jobs in some cases.

Salaries can vary a lot depending on where you live and your experience. But in general, CISSP holders tend to earn more. This makes sense since it's a more advanced certification.

Making Your Decision

Think about where you are in your career right now. If you're just starting out, Security+ is a smart choice. It'll give you a strong foundation and help you get your foot in the door.

If you've been working in IT for a while and want to take your career to the next level, CISSP might be the way to go. It's tough, but it can really pay off in the long run.

Remember, there's no wrong choice here. Both certifications are valuable. The key is picking the one that fits your current situation and future goals.

Whichever you choose, be ready to put in the work. Both exams require serious study time. But with dedication and the right preparation, you can pass and take your career to new heights.

Preparing for Your Certification Exam

Getting ready for a big test like Security+ or CISSP can feel scary. But don't worry! With the right plan, you can do it. Let's talk about some ways to get ready that will help you feel confident on exam day.

Make a Study Schedule

First things first: you need a plan. Look at your daily life and find times when you can study. Maybe it's an hour before work or during your lunch break. Some people like to study at night after dinner. The key is to be consistent. Try to study a little bit every day, even if it's just for 30 minutes. This helps the information stick in your brain better than cramming all at once.

Remember, both Security+ and CISSP cover a lot of material. You can't learn it all overnight. Give yourself enough time to really understand everything. Most people spend about two to three months studying for Security+, and four to six months for CISSP. But everyone's different, so adjust your schedule based on what works for you.

Use Different Study Materials

Don't just rely on one book or video course. Mix it up! Use textbooks, online courses, practice tests, and flashcards. This helps you see the information in different ways, which can make it easier to understand and remember.

For example, you might read a chapter in your study guide and then watch a video on the same topic. After that, try some practice questions to see how well you understood it. If you get something wrong, go back and review that part again.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Taking practice tests is super important. They help you get used to the way questions are asked on the real exam. Plus, they show you which areas you need to work on more.

Try to find practice tests that are as close to the real thing as possible. Some even have the same time limits as the actual exam. This helps you get used to managing your time during the test.

When you take practice tests, don't just focus on getting the right answers. Pay attention to why you got things wrong. This helps you learn from your mistakes and get better.

Join a Study Group

Studying with others can be really helpful. You can explain things to each other, which is a great way to make sure you really understand the material. Plus, it's nice to have support from people who are going through the same thing.

Look for study groups online or at your local library. If you can't find one, think about starting your own! You could even use social media to connect with other people studying for the same exam.

Take Care of Yourself

It's easy to get so focused on studying that you forget to take care of yourself. But this is really important! Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. These things help your brain work better, which means you'll learn more easily.

Also, don't forget to take breaks. Studying for hours without stopping can actually make it harder to remember things. Try studying for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. This helps keep your mind fresh and focused.

Review and Adjust Your Plan

As you study, keep track of how you're doing. Are there topics you're struggling with? Spend more time on those. Are you finding some study methods work better for you than others? Focus on what works best.

Don't be afraid to change your study plan if it's not working. Maybe you need more practice tests, or maybe you need to spend more time on hands-on exercises. The goal is to find what helps you learn best.

Stay Positive

Finally, remember to stay positive. Studying for a big exam can be tough, but you can do it! Celebrate your progress along the way. Did you master a difficult topic? That's awesome! Did you improve your score on a practice test? Great job!

Remember why you're doing this. These certifications can open up new job opportunities and help you grow in your career. Keep that goal in mind when things get tough.

By following these tips and staying dedicated, you'll be well-prepared for your exam. Good luck with your studies!

The Importance of Practical Experience

While studying for your certification exam is crucial, don't forget about the value of hands-on experience. Many IT professionals find that combining their book learning with real-world practice helps them understand concepts better. Try to find ways to apply what you're learning in your current job or through personal projects.

For example, if you're studying network security, you could set up a small home lab to practice configuring firewalls or testing different security measures. This not only helps you learn but also gives you something interesting to talk about in job interviews.

Networking and Community

Connecting with other IT professionals can be a big help when you're preparing for a certification. Look for local meetups or online forums where you can chat with people who have already passed the exam or are studying for it too. These connections can provide valuable tips, study resources, and moral support.

Many certification programs have official online communities where you can ask questions and share experiences. Don't be shy about joining in – everyone's there to learn and help each other out.

Staying Up-to-Date

The IT world changes fast, and what you learn today might be outdated tomorrow. That's why it's important to keep up with the latest trends and updates in your field, even while you're studying for your certification.

Follow industry news sites, subscribe to relevant newsletters, or listen to tech podcasts. This not only helps you stay current but can also make your studying more interesting by connecting it to real-world events and developments.

Managing Test Anxiety

It's normal to feel nervous about a big exam, especially one that could impact your career. But too much anxiety can hurt your performance. Here are some tips to help manage test anxiety:

  1. Practice good self-care: Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly.
  2. Use relaxation techniques: Try deep breathing or meditation to calm your nerves.
  3. Visualize success: Imagine yourself doing well on the exam.
  4. Be prepared: The more you study and practice, the more confident you'll feel.

Remember, a little bit of nervousness can actually help you focus. The key is not to let it overwhelm you.

After the Exam

Your learning journey doesn't end when you pass the exam. In fact, that's just the beginning! Here are some things to think about after you get your certification:

  1. Keep learning: Technology is always changing, so make a plan to keep your skills up-to-date.
  2. Apply your new knowledge: Look for ways to use what you've learned in your current job or to take on new responsibilities.
  3. Consider your next steps: Think about what other certifications or skills could help you reach your career goals.
  4. Share your experience: Help others who are just starting their certification journey by sharing your tips and insights.

Final Thoughts

At TrainACE, we're committed to helping IT professionals like you succeed in your certification journey and beyond. We know that preparing for exams like Security+ or CISSP can be challenging, but we're here to support you every step of the way.

Our expert instructors bring real-world experience to the classroom, helping you connect theoretical knowledge with practical applications. We offer flexible learning options to fit your busy schedule, whether you prefer in-person classes, live online training, or self-paced courses.

We believe that success in IT is about more than just passing an exam – it's about building a strong foundation for a rewarding career. That's why we focus on hands-on training and provide ongoing support even after you've earned your certification.

Ready to take the next step in your IT career? We'd love to help you choose the right certification path and get started on your learning journey. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more about our training programs and how we can help you achieve your goals. Your future in IT starts here!

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