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How We Can Help You Prevent a Hacking Incident

  • April 28 2015
  • Jackie Somma


The internet is full of hackers, and these hackers grow in numbers, strength, and power each and every day. It was recently discovered that a group of hackers had managed to steal in total, around $1 billion from banks through their computers. This is thought to be one of the biggest banking breaches in history, and the robbers didn't even have to physically go to the bank. These hackers got their way into the banks' computer systems and observed the banks' operations. They either set up fake bank accounts to steal money with, or they programmed ATMs to dispense money at specific times. According to Kaspersky Labs, the hackers have attacked 100 banks in 30 countries, all fairly easily. Banks are one of the more prone industries to hacking, but they're not the only ones that need to keep a watchful eye when it comes to hacking incidents.

All Business Are at Risk of a Hacking Incident

Whether you're a small mom and pop store, an engineering firm, a law firm, or a large, constantly expanding company, if you have any devices that connect to the internet that are storing any sort of business information, even as simple as a cash register that connects to the internet, you are at risk of a hacking incident. Hackers are out there looking for any opportunity to hack something that would give them a financial interest. If a hacker thinks they can hack into your company's computer system to potentially gain insight into a new idea and then take that idea and profit off of it before you do, they will try as hard as they want until they either succeed, or move onto something else. Each and every business is vulnerable to a hacking incident, but luckily we have the ability to help you prevent this.

Education is Key

Every employee in a company that uses the company's computer resources plays a part in ensuring that the network remains secure and that hacking incidents don't occur. For non-IT employees, this is as simple as using only company email for company business, being careful about opening email attachments, only visiting websites that pertain to their job responsibilities, not downloading or installing software without company approval, and using safe and secure passwords. Once you've educated your non-IT employees, it's time to make sure you have people in IT who are capable of securing your network and making sure it stays secure.

Get the Education Employers Are Looking For

Our self-paced online Computer Hacking Prevention Course can show you how to prevent against common hacks such as spam, phishing, malware, and social engineering. It will teach you exactly how to prevent hackers from infiltrating your network and help keep sensitive data secure. The lectures and instructions in this course are interactive and explanatory, you'll enjoy a user friendly interface, there are step-by-step videos with attack scenarios and security methods, and there is a virtual lab where you can experiment with real equipment as you learn. This knowledge can make you more competitive in the job market and give you the security-minded knowledge that IT employers are looking for these days.

Obtain Certifications to Earn Higher Salaries

As an IT employee, you know how many different ends there are to the industry. Because of this, there are different certifications you can obtain for different caveats, such as Cisco networking, Microsoft systems engineering, and Security+. We offer a Security+ certification course to give you all the information security tools, tricks, and knowledge that employers are looking for both in the private and government sectors. Security+ certified experts can expect to earn anywhere from $65,000 to over $100,000 because employers depend on people with this knowledge to keep their networks and digital assets secure.

Knowledge is Hacking Incident Prevention

Whether you're an employer or IT employee, having the knowledge to know how to prevent a hacking incident is invaluable and can save you a lot of frustration because you are less likely to be hacked. There's always more to learn, and our courses can help you stay up to date with the latest computer security methods. Sign up today!

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